
Sad Cypress

Sad Cypress, Agatha Christie

While not quite up to the rank of Christie's greatest mysteries, Sad Cypress, does have enough twists and turns to make it a welcome addition to your reading list. It is also unique in that more attention is given to various characters than is given to our master detective, Hercule Poirot. He seems to take a back seat in this book while the plot moves in all directions.


Another factor that makes this book different from the rest of the series is that Poirot himself takes an interest in a case that has, according to the police, already been investigated and solved. In fact, the accused murder has already been slated for trial in the courtroom.

Elinor Carlisle has been brought to trial, accused of murdering her fiancé, Roderick Welman, as well as poisoning Mary Gerrard. Was this just the mad actions of a woman caught at the short end of a lover's triangle? Or, has justice been turned on its head and the wrong person accused of these two terrible murders? Elinor's own actions seem enough to convince the police, and possibly a jury, that she is guilty.

As Poirot investigates the case, every fact does seem to point to guilt. However, his little gray cells seem to be telling him something entirely different!

Read our biography of Agatha Christie.