Broadchurch is an English television crime drama created and written by Chris Chibnall, who was inspired by the Jurassic Coast of England to set his crime drama in a fictional, close-knit small town of Broadchurch in Dorset, England. The story begins with the death of an 11-year-old boy and the impact of grief, mutual suspicion and media attention on the town's residents.
See the Broadchurch Show Intro
Broadchurch series one focused on the search for the boy's murderer by detectives Alec Hardy (David Tennant) and Ellie Miller (Olivia Colman). Much of the tone of the series was inspired by the music of Ólafur Arnalds, who also composed the soundtrack for the program.
Series two focused on the ongoing fallout of the murder of 11-year-old Danny Latimer. The series depicted the effect of Joe Miller's trial on his wife, former DS Ellie Miller (now a uniformed police officer in Devon); the Latimer family's struggle to achieve a normal life during Joe's trial; and new revelations that former DI Alec Hardy was protecting a witness in the failed Sandbrook child murder case.
The third and final series is set three years after the events of series two and follows the rape of a local woman in Broadchurch.